OWNING THE BROKENNESSSo you have identified a particularly personal and secret part of your personhood that causes you shame, self-doubt, and quite frankly the inability to do anything about it on your own. You got yourself into the pickle by yourself, but you know you can't get out by yourself. So, the same angels that helped St. Thomas Aquinas with his persistent problem with chastity and purity, can also help you, along with a host of other angels and saints, and blesseds, and people just like yourself who have struggled during the past 500 years since this Confraternity was founded. Are you ready to "change direction and go for peace, harmony of emotions, and a joyful life that you never thought was possible for you? READ ON.
In addition to the prayerful support of hundreds of thousands if no millions of members in the honor-bound Society in the past five hundred years - meaning all those living today who belong, but also those who are now residing in the dimension we call heaven, waiting to be reunited to their bodies that they lived their human lives with - and all of which have had struggles controlling the passion-driven sexual powers that are meant for the marriage embrace of the male husband and the female wife - in an act of total self-gift to the other (which is literally creative of new life, new human life, new members of the Kingdom, new children of GOD.
The numbers you see below are first "those in the induction process - meaning, those who are committed to finding out all about the Angelic Warfare Confraternity - and how to solidly integrate it into their lives" and the lower number those are a fully inducted and enrolled.
This is a completely anonymous confraternity so no names will ever be published, on your number count - You will be assigned your own personal membership number the day you are enrolled - and you will join a band of local/regional confreres for whom you will pray daily the Fifteen Haily Mary's with Petitions for Purity and Chastity - and they YOU! You will be FREE AT LAST TO SEE CLEARLY who God is, who Jesus is and how the Holy Spirit emanates from them to help us live virtuous and joyful lives! God bless. Fr. Peter Anthony, JSC.
The numbers you see below are first "those in the induction process - meaning, those who are committed to finding out all about the Angelic Warfare Confraternity - and how to solidly integrate it into their lives" and the lower number those are a fully inducted and enrolled.
This is a completely anonymous confraternity so no names will ever be published, on your number count - You will be assigned your own personal membership number the day you are enrolled - and you will join a band of local/regional confreres for whom you will pray daily the Fifteen Haily Mary's with Petitions for Purity and Chastity - and they YOU! You will be FREE AT LAST TO SEE CLEARLY who God is, who Jesus is and how the Holy Spirit emanates from them to help us live virtuous and joyful lives! God bless. Fr. Peter Anthony, JSC.
Fully enrolled members of the AWC Champions of Chastity Society 1